
Networking for Dummies


July 1, 2019

The old expression “you only have one chance at a first impression” can rattle any aspiring business professional, especially those in the financial services industry. Sure, a nifty business card and a strong handshake can help, but how do you successfully utilize personal networking skills to get ahead?

To answer this question, we compiled a list of 7 tips for acing your next networking event. Check it out below:

Tip #1: Begin with the end in mind

If you are trying to meet the right people but you fumble through the interaction, people are going to write you off before they even understand what you can offer. Having a game plan and understanding the end goal of a networking interaction empowers you to steer the conversation with clarity and confidence.

Tip #2: Quality over quantity

Let’s say you are at a networking event. You are trying to make the biggest splash possible to improve your network, so you jump frantically from booth to booth to make sure you have met every soul in the building…is this an effective strategy? Absolutely not.

Having 5 meaningful conversations will always be a more successful approach than handing out 50 business cards indiscriminately.

Tip #3: Most of the work is in the preparation—do your research!

When it comes to networking at any capacity, knowledge truly is power. Doing your research before making the approach helps you radiate poise and credibility to a new business affiliate.

Allowing yourself to go down rabbit holes of information can end up being very effective. Let’s say you are attending a networking event—what organization helps to put it on? Who is on the board of the organization? What kind of professionals should I be expecting to see at this event? Educating yourself on these questions equips you with the tools necessary to prepare to make an impact.

Tip #4: Perfect your “30 Second Commercial”

The 30 second commercial is your first—sometimes, only—chance to capture the attention of an individual at a networking event, and to really nail it you’re going to need a ton of practice.

Practice your commercial with one of your co-workers. Workshop the wording with a mentor. Pitch it to friends at a party. It is much better to be vulnerable with a peer then to lose out on a connection with a potential connection—the last thing you want to be seen as is ill-prepared!

Tip #5: Look the part

There is real science behind dressing for success. Your attire is an instant form of communication that needs to say, “I am a professional.”

It’s important to be memorable, but not obnoxious. There is a lot of power in the way you present yourself. Are you an aspiring financial planner? Look the part with a wrinkle-free suit and tie.

Tip #6: Follow up, follow up, & follow up

Staying top of mind with prospective connections is vital to maintaining a network.  To really cement your interaction with a person and keep the door open for future business, following up goes a long way.

This is where LinkedIn becomes incredibly useful! Be sure to connect with people online within 48 of your initial interaction.

Tip #7: Persistence is the secret sauce

For anyone looking to grow their practice in the financial services industry networking can sometimes be discouraging, but never lose sight of the reason you are putting the work in. When you are new to an industry like this you must hit a lot of networking events before you start seeing the payoff. Be bold and persistent when meeting new people and the success will start coming your way.

Looking for more advice from the professionals? Check out our resume builder’s bible here.